
EPS 120/220: Introduction to Planetary Sciences





Planetary science is perhaps the oldest science- observations of the complex motions of the Sun, Moon, and five naked-eye planets led directly to the development of mathematics and the scientific method in the ancient world.  Since then, the advent of space probes and advanced laboratory techniques has afforded us amazingly detailed views of our Solar System neighbors.  

In this course we will first cover how systems of planets are believed to form from primordial clouds of gas and dust.  We will then turn to the most important physical processes...

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EPS/ESE 102: Data Analysis and Statistical Inference in the Earth and Environmental Sciences





Previously offered Spring 2021 and Spring 2022

A practice and application-oriented course covering statistical inference, hypothesis testing, regressions, Monte Carlo methods, time series analysis, and data filtering and visualization.  We will also introduce machine learning (ML) methods and Bayesian analysis.  The course emphasizes hands-on learning using real data drawn from geophysical and atmospheric science observations.  Students will take measurements using phone sensors and provided instruments to reinforce the lecture material and to...

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FRSEMR 50R - What Do You See in the Night Sky?





Previously offered Fall 2017

People around the world observe the same basic celestial phenomena- the rise and set of stars, the changing phases of the moon, the occasional bewildering eclipse. But cultures have come to interpret these signs very differently, giving rise to diverse calendar systems and mythological frameworks. For instance, the position of the sun, the visibility of star formations, and the lunar cycle have all been used to define the concept of the year, sometimes with more than one definition operating in a single culture. We will...

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EPS 220 - A Survey of Planetary Sciences





Previously offered Fall 2018

This course is a survey of current research topics in the planetary sciences.  The learning outcomes are: (1) Understand the current state of planetary sciences knowledge in a number of student-chosen areas. (2) Acquire an introductory knowledge base in planetary sciences to allow effective understanding of planetary science studies students may encounter in their research.  

This course includes a fieldtrip to the Connecticut River Valley and two labs focusing on meteorite samples and telescopic observations of the Moon and...

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EPS 174/274: Records of ancient rainfall: A field course to Minas Gerais, Brazi




This is a combined field and laboratory course intended for students with an interest in climate science, field techniques, and sample analysis.

The field component consists of a 14-day trip to Brazil during and includes both Harvard and Universidade de São Paulo (USP) students. The students travel to Minas Gerais state and spend one week at the Peruaçú National Park, visiting a series of caves while developing skills in geological observations and sampling. The group then travels to PETAR Park in São Paulo State to visit further caves and practice the newly acquired field skills... Read more about EPS 174/274: Records of ancient rainfall: A field course to Minas Gerais, Brazi

E-PSCI 120 - Introduction to Planetary Sciences





An overview of the key physical and chemical processes that occur on planetary bodies of the solar system and a survey of current topics of research.

Recommended: Physics 15a or equivalent or permission of instructor. Introductory EPS class such as EPS 10 recommended.

Course includes two sessions at the Clay Telescope, several labs to be arranged, and one field trip. This course fulfills the EPS sub-discipline requirement of Geology, Geophysics and Planetary Science. Given...

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